237. Pauline Pradal, Paul Hardivillé, Jong Bin Kim, Seong Kyeong Nam, Shin-Hyun Kim, Esther Amstad*, "3D Printing of Stiff Photonic Microparticles into Load-Bearing Structures", Small, accepted for publication (2025).
236. Younghwan Yang, Youngsun Jeon, Zhaogang Dong, Joel K. W. Yang, Mahsa Haddadi Moghaddam, Dai Sik Kim, Dong Kyo Oh, Jihae Lee, Mario Hentschel, Harald Giessen, Dohyun Kang, Gyeongtae Kim, Takuo Tanaka, Yang Zhao, Johannes Bürger, Stefan A. Maier, Haoran Ren, Wooik Jung, Mansoo Choi, Gwangmin Bae, Haomin Chen, Seokwoo Jeon, Jaekyung Kim, Eunji Lee, Hyunjung Kang, Yujin Park, Dang Du Nguyen, Inki kim, Pablo Cencilo-Abad, Debashis Chanda, Xinxin Jing, Na Liu, Irina V. Martynenko, Tim Liedl, Yuna Kwak, Jwa-Min Nam, Sang-Min Park, Teri W. Odom, Hye-Eun Lee, Ryeong Myeong Kim, Ki Tae Nam, Hyunah Kwon, Hyeon-Ho Jeong, Peer Fischer, Jiwon Yoon, Shin-Hyun Kim, Sangmin Shim, Dasol Lee, Luis A. Pérez, Xiaoyu Qi, Agustin Mihi, Hohyun Keum, Moonsub Shim, Seok Kim, Hanhwi Jang, Yeon Sik Jung, Christian Rossner, Tobias A. F. König, Andreas Fery, Zhiwei Li, Koray Aydin, Chad A. Mirkin, Junhwa Seong, Nara Jeon, Zhiyun Xu, Tian Gu, Juejun Hu, Hyounghan Kwon, Hojoong Jung, Hossein Alijani, Igor Aharonovich, Joohoon Kim, Junsuk Rho*, "Nanofabrication for Nanophotonics", ACS Nano, accepted for publication (2025). - Mega-Review
235. Hyung Han Bae, Jong Bin Kim, Hwan-Young Lee, and Shin-Hyun Kim*, "Single-step Production of Doubly Re-entrant Microstructures through Reaction-Diffusion Photolithography for Omniphobic Surfaces", Small, accepted for publication (2025). (Corresponding author )
234. Hyunho Choi, Sihun Park, Chunghwan Jung, Nara Jeon, Junsuk Rho, and Shin-Hyun Kim*, "NIR-Reflective Black Photonic Films designed for Effective LiDAR Recognition", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, accepted for publication (2025). (Corresponding author; H. Choi and S. Park equally contributed to this work )
233. Hwan-Young Lee, Jun-Gu Kang, Young-Seok Kim, and Shin-Hyun Kim*, "Full-Spectrum Mechanochromic Photonic Films with Large Interparticle Distance", Advanced Science, accepted for publication (2024). (Corresponding author )
232. Chaerim Son, Seong Kyeong Nam, Jiwoo Lee, and Shin-Hyun Kim*, "Retroreflective Multichrome Microdome Arrays created by Single-Step Reflow", Advanced Materials, accepted for publication (2024).
231. Pauline Pradal, Jong Bin Kim, Seong Kyeong, Shin-Hyun Kim, Esther Amstad*, "Direct ink writing of rigid microparticles", Small, accepted for publication (2024).
229. Yoonjin Oh and Shin-Hyun Kim*, "Concentric Capillary Microfluidic Devices designed for Robust Production of Multiple-Emulsion Droplets", Langmuir, accepted for publication (2024).
227. Yongseok Jung, Sanghyuk Park, Sang Seok Lee and Shin-Hyun Kim*, "Centrifugation-Mediated Crystal Growth of Attractive Colloids for Band Edge Lasing", Small, accepted for publication (2024).
226. Meng Xu, Eun Ji Kim, Young Jun Lee, Hyunsoo Lee, Kyunghyun Jung, Jaeyoung Choi, Shin-Hyun Kim, YongJoo Kim, Hongseok Yun*, and Bumjoon J. Kim*, "Icosahedral Supracrystal Assembly from Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticles: Interplay of Interfacial Energy and Confinement Effect", Science Advances, accepted for publication (2024).
225. Wahyu Martumpal Hamonangan, Sangmin Lee, Ye Hun Choi, Wanzhao Li, Meiling Tai,* and Shin-Hyun Kim*, "Microballoons: Osmotically-Inflated Elastomer Shells for Ultrafast Release of Encapsulants and Mechanical Energy", Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, accepted for publication (2024). (Co-corresponding author )
224. Jong Hyun Kim, Jong Bin Kim, and Shin-Hyun Kim*, "Structural Color Inks containing Photonic Microbeads for Direct Writing", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, accepted for publication (2024). (Corresponding author )
223. Ghasidit Pornnoppadol, Soojeong Cho, Jeong Heon Yu, Shin-Hyun Kim,* and Yoon Sung Nam*, "Cancer-targeting Gold-decorated Melanin Nanoparticles for In vivo Near-infrared Photothermal Therapy", Molecular Systems Design & Engineering, accepted for publication (2024). (G. Pornnoppadol, S. Cho, and H. H. Yu equally contributed to this work; co-corresponding author )
222. Sanghyuk Park, Hyerim Hwang, and Shin-Hyun Kim*, "Deterministic Formation and Growth of Dendritic Crystals of Attractive Colloids", Small, accepted for publication (2024). (Corresponding author)
221. YeounJu Ko, Yoonjin Oh, Chan Ho Park, and Shin-Hyun Kim*, "Designing Tough Hydrogel Shells for Glucose Sensing", Small, accepted for publication (2024). (Corresponding author)
218. Minji Kim, Jong Bin Kim, and Shin-Hyun Kim*, "Hyper-reflective Photonic Crystals created by Shearing Colloidal Dispersions at Ultrahigh Volume Fraction", Microsystems & Nanoengineering, accepted for publication (2023). (Corresponding author)
208. Ji-Won Kim, Sang Hoon Han, Minhee Ku, Jaemoon Yang*, and Shin-Hyun Kim*, "Smart Microcapsules designed for On-demand Local Heating and Drug Release", Chemistry of Materials, 35, 4751–4760 (2023). (J.-W. Kim, S. H. Han, and M. Ku equally contributed to this work; co-corresponding author) [pdf][SI]
205. Yi Yang, Jong Bin Kim, Seong Kyeong Nam, Mengmeng Zhang, Jiangping Xu, Jintao Zhu*, and Shin-Hyun Kim*, "Nanostructure-Free Crescent-Shaped Microparticles as Full-Color Reflective Pigments", Nature Communications, 14, 793 (2023). [pdf][SI] (Co-corresponding author) -Featured as Editors' Highlights [link]
203. Jong Bin Kim, Seong Kyeong Nam, Sanghyuk Park, Esther Amstad, and Shin-Hyun Kim*, "Void-Free Photonic Surfaces created by Adaptive Dense Packing of Emulsion Droplets", Chemistry of Materials, 35, 261–270 (2023). (J. B. Kim and S. K. Nam equally contributed to this work; Corresponding author) [pdf][SI] -Highlighted as Supplementary Cover [link]
200. Young Geon Kim, Sihun Park, and Shin-Hyun Kim*, "Designing Photonic Microparticles with Droplet Microfluidics", Chemical Communications, 58, 10303-10328 (2022). (Y. G. Kim and S. Park equally contributed to this work; Corresponding author) [pdf] - Invited Feature Article
198. Shin-Hyun Kim and Liang-Yin Chu, "Microfluidics: Advanced platform for designing polymericmicroparticles, microcapsules, and microfibers", Journal of Polymer Science, 60, 1651-1652 (2022). [pdf] - Editorial for Special Issue: Functional Polymeric Materials by Microfluidics
197. Ji-Won Kim, Sang Hoon Han, Ye Hun Choi, Wahyu Martumpal Hamonangan, Yoonjin Oh, and Shin-Hyun Kim*, "Recent Advances in Microfluidic Production of Functional Microcapsules by Multiple-Emulsion Templating", Lab on a Chip, 22, 2259 - 2291 (2022). (J.-W. Kim and S. H. Han equally contributed to this work; Corresponding author) [pdf] - Invited Critical Review
195. Wahyu Martumpal Hamonangan, Sangmin Lee, Ye Hun Choi, Wanzhao Li, Meiling Tai*, and Shin-Hyun Kim*, "Osmosis-Mediated Microfluidic Production of Submillimeter-sized Capsules with Ultra-thin Shell for Cosmetic Application", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14, 18159−18169 (2022). (Co-corresponding author) [pdf][SI]
193. Sunho Kim, Iris Baffour Ansah, Jong Seong Park, Hajun Dang, Namhyun Choi, Won-Chul Lee, Soo Hyun Lee, Ho Sang Jung, Dong-Ho Kim, Seung Min Yoo*, Jae bum Choo*, Shin-Hyun Kim*, and Sung-Gyu Park*, "Early and direct detection of bacterial signaling molecules through one-pot Au electrodeposition onto paper-based 3D SERS substrates", Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 358, 131504 (2022). (Co-corresponding author) [pdf]
192. Soo Hyun Lee, Sunho Kim, Jun-Yeong Yang, ChaeWon Mun, Seunghun Lee, Shin-Hyun Kim*, and Sung-Gyu Park*, "Hydrogel-assisted 3D volumetric hotspot for sensitive detection by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy", International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23, 1004 (2022). (Co-corresponding author) [pdf]
190. Yoonjin Oh and Shin-Hyun Kim*, "Hydrogel-Shelled Biodegradable Microspheres for Sustained Release of Encapsulants", Journal of Polymer Science, 60, 1700-1709 (2022). (Corresponding author) -invited for a special issue on Functional Polymeric Materials by Microfluidics edited by Prof. Liang-Yin Chu and Shin-Hyun Kim. [pdf][SI] - highlighted in Science in picture [link]
189. Seungwoo Shin, Jonghee Eun, Sang Seok Lee, Changjae Lee, Herve Hugonnet, Dong Ki Yoon, Shin-Hyun Kim, Joonwoo Jeong, and YongKeun Park*, "Tomographic measurements of dielectric tensors at optical frequency", Nature Materials, 21, 317-324 (2022). [pdf]
186. Ji-Won Kim, Yoonjin Oh, Sangmin Lee, and Shin-Hyun Kim*, "Thermochromic Microcapsules containing Chiral Mesogens enclosed by Hydrogel Shell for Colorimetric Temperature Reporters", Advanced Functional Materials, 32, 2107275 (2022). (J.-W. Kim and Y. Oh equally contributed to this work; Corresponding author) [pdf][SI]
185. Iris Baffour Ansah, Sunho Kim, Jun-Yeong Yang, ChaeWon Mun, Ho Sang Jung, Seunghun Lee, Dong-Ho Kim*, Shin-Hyun Kim*, and Sung-Gyu Park* "In Situ Electrodeposition of Gold Nanostructures in 3D Ultra-Thin Hydrogel Skins for Direct Molecular Detection in Complex Mixtures with High Sensitivity", Laser & Photonics Reviews, 15, 2100316 (2021) (I. B. Ansah and S. Kim equally contributed to this work; Corresponding author). [pdf][SI]
183. Jinwoo Kim, Hongseok Yun, Young Jun Lee, Junhyuk Lee, Shin-Hyun Kim, Kang Hee Ku*, Bumjoon J. Kim* "Photoswitchable Surfactant-Driven Reversible Shape- and Color-Changing Block Copolymer Particles", Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143, 13333−13341 (2021). [pdf]
179. Young Geon Kim, Sanghyuk Park, Ye Hun Choi, Sang Hoon Han, and Shin-Hyun Kim*, "Elastic Photonic Microcapsules Containing Colloidal Crystallites as Building Blocks for Macroscopic Photonic Surfaces", ACS Nano, 15, 12438−12448 (2021). (Corresponding author) [pdf] [SI] -Featured as Supplementary Cover [link]
178. Bon Il Koo, Jae Woong Choi, Seuk Young Song, Ye Hun Choi, Tae Yong Lee, Shin-Hyun Kim, Ki Jun Jeong*, and Yoon Sung Nam*, "Robust Biocatalysts Displayed on Crystalline Protein-layered Cells for Efficient and Sustainable Hydration of Carbon Dioxide", Advanced Functional Materials, 31, 2102497 (2021). (B. I. Koo and J. W. Choi contributed equally to this work) [pdf]
177. Bon-Jun Ku, Byoung-Min Lee, Dong Hyun Kim, Anush Mnoyan, Sung-Kwon Hong, Kang Seok Go, Eun Hee Kwon, Shin-Hyun Kim*, Jae-Hak Choi,* and Kyubock Lee*, "Photothermal Fabrics for Efficient Oil-Spill Remediation via Solar-driven Evaporation Combined with Adsorption", ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 13, 13106−13113 (2021). (B.-J. Ku and B.-M. Lee contributed equally to this work, Co-corresponding author) [pdf]
176. Ye Hun Choi, Ji-Su Hwang, Sang Hoon Han, Chang-Soo Lee, Seog-Jin Jeon, and Shin-Hyun Kim*, "Thermo-Responsive Microcapsules with Tunable Molecular Permeability for Controlled Encapsulation and Release", Advanced Functional Materials, 31, 2100782 (2021). (Corresponding author) [pdf][SI] -Featured as a front cover of the journal [pdf]
175. Jong Hyun Kim, Kyung Han Kim, Gun Ho Lee, Ji-Won Kim, Sang Hoon Han, Chang-Soo Lee*, and Shin-Hyun Kim*, "Microfluidic Production of Mechanochromic Photonic Fibers containing Non-close-packed Colloidal Arrays", Small Science, 1, 2000058 (2021). (J. H. Kim & K. H. Kim contributed equally to this work, Co-corresponding author, Invited article) [pdf][SI]
174. Dong-Myeong Lee, Junbeom Park, Jaegeun Lee, Sung-Hyun Lee, Shin-Hyun Kim*, Seung Min Kim*, and Hyeon Su Jeong*, "Improving Mechanical and Physical Properties of Ultra-thick Carbon Nanotube Fiber by Fast Swelling and Stretching Process", Carbon, 172, 733-741 (2021). (D.-M. Lee & J. Park contributed equally to this work, Co-corresponding author) [pdf]
173. Wook Choi, Won-Chul Lee, ChaeWon Mun, Sunho Kim, Iris Baffour Ansah, Shin-Hyun Kim, Dong-Ho Kim*, Ho Sang Jung*, and Sung-Gyu Park*, "Small-Volume Plasmonic Microwell Array with 3D Hierarchical Nanomaterials for Plasmon-Enhanced Fluorescence Immunoassay", Advanced NanoBiomed Research, 1, 2000015 (2021). [pdf]
171. Cheolho Kim, Kinam Jung, Jiwoong Yu, Sanghyuk Park, Shin-Hyun Kim, Won Bo Lee, and Hyerim Hwang*, Vinothan N. Manoharan*, and Jun Hyuk Moon*, "Controlled Assembly of Icosahedral Colloidal Clusters for Structural Coloration", Chemistry of Materials, 32, 9704−9712 (2020). (C. Kim, K. Jung, & J. Yu contributed equally to this work) [pdf] [SI]
170. Dong Jae Kim, Jiwon Yoon, Dong-Ho Kim, Sung-Gyu Park*, and Shin-Hyun Kim*, "Plasmonic Microgels for Raman-based Molecular Detection created by Simultaneous Photoreduction and Photocrosslinking", ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12, 48188−48197 (2020). (D. J. Kim & J. Yoon eqaully contributed to this work, Co-corresponding author) [pdf] [SI]
169. Sanghyuk Park, Hyerim Hwang, Minjung Kim, Jun Hyuk Moon, and Shin-Hyun Kim*, "Colloidal Assembly in Droplets: Structures and Optical Properties", Nanoscale, 12, 18576 - 18594 (2020). (Park and Hwang equally contributed to this work, Corresponding author) [pdf] - Invited review article
167. Sunho Kim, Wook Choi, Dong Jae Kim, Ho Sang Jung, Dong-Ho Kim, Shin-Hyun Kim* and Sung-Gyu Park*, "Encapsulation of 3D Plasmonic Nanostructures with Ultrathin Hydrogel Skin for Rapid and Direct Detection of Toxic Small Molecules in Complex Fluids", Nanoscale, 12, 12942–12949 (2020). (S Kim and W Choi equally contributed to this work, Co-corresponding author) [pdf] [SI]
160. Ye Hun Choi, Sang Seok Lee, Dong-Myeong Lee, Hyeon Su Jeong, and Shin-Hyun Kim*, "Composite Microgels created by Complexation between Polyvinyl Alcohol and Graphene Oxide in Compressed Double-Emulsion Drops", Small, 16, 1903812 (2020). (Corresponding author) [pdf] [SI] -Invited for Special Issue: Microfluidics—The Fourth Decade
158. Yeong Hwa Kim, Dong Jae Kim, Sangmin Lee, Dong-Ho Kim, Sung-Gyu Park*, and Shin-Hyun Kim*, "Microfluidic Designing Microgels containing Highly-Concentrated Gold Nanoparticles for SERS Analysis of Complex Fluids", Small, 15, 1905076 (2019). (YH Kim and DJ Kim equally contributed to this work) [pdf] [SI]
154. Tae Yong Lee, Sangmin Lee, Yeong Hwa Kim, Dong Jae Kim, Esther Amstad, Chang-Soo Lee, and Shin-Hyun Kim*, "Microfluidic Fabrication of Capsule Sensor Platform with Double-Shell Structure", Advanced Functional Materials, 29, 1902670 (2019). (TY Lee and S Lee equally contributed to this work.) [pdf] [SI]
151. Soojeong Cho, Nam Gi Min, Wooram Park, Shin-Hyun Kim*, and Dong-Hyun Kim*, "Janus Microcarriers for Magnetic Field–controlled Combination Chemotherapy of Hepatocellular Carcinoma", Advanced Functional Materials, 29, 1901384 (2019). (Co-corresponding author; Cho and Min equally contributed) [pdf] [SI]
150. Jong Bin Kim, Seung Yeol Lee, Jung Min Lee, and Shin-Hyun Kim*, "Designing Structural-Color Patterns composed of Colloidal Arrays", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11, 14485−14509 (2019). (Corresponding author) [pdf] - Review paper
147. Laura R. Arriaga, Yuting Huang, Shin-Hyun Kim, Juan L. Aragones, Roy Ziblat, Stephan A. Koehler and David A. Weitz*, "Single-step assembly of asymmetric vesicles", Lab on a Chip, 19, 749–756 (2019). [pdf] -Selected as a cover of the journal